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About Lucy

Bakasana (crow pose) at 13 weeks pregnant! 

Hello! Thank you for stopping by by site!

My name is Lucy Mara, I am an artist. I have been creating and drawing since I was very young. It's always felt right and for a long time it was the only thing I wanted to spend my time on. I used to sit and draw for hours and hours. Which was good for getting things done, but not so good for my body! Through lots of searching I have found running and yoga! And through many years of trying and practice I finally feel like I can share and talk about these things! 

I run everyday and get on my mat everyday. I am so grateful for these practices and how they have helped me ( I have had over 150 pounds fall off my body and kept it off for 10 years, a story that is to come!). And I am so amazed at the space that these practices have created for my art. 

I have lived many places and plan on living in a lot more! I grew up in Iowa. Left for california at 21. Spending time in Southern California, then on to Los Angles. I met my guy Kevin, who teaches yoga and writes, in Los Angeles, and at the time he was living in Chicago. So off I went to Chicago! We are now expecting our first. And on are way back to cali, to spend some time studying yoga and being creative! 

I love my family dearly. I am so excited to have a new little one to join in on the fun! I plan on updating the site as often as possible with artwork, yoga inspiration, fitness fun. And things that inspire me! I am big about reaching out and meeting new friends, as my mom says 'it's all about relationships', so please feel free to contact me!


You can check out some work and people I have worked with here!

Lucy is an Artist, yogi, runner, partner and mother to be. On this site she shares her art, work she has done. Projects she is working on. And things that inspire her. 




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